"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Kinetoscope and Early Film

Before the days of Netflix and internet streaming of movies there was the VHS and DVD players. Prior to those forms of film playback there was the cinema. Prior to the cinema was the invention of Kinetoscope. The Kinetoscope was not the same as a modern movie projector but would be the precursor to such technology. The viewer could look through a small peep hole and view a short film that was about 30 seconds long. This was one of the first inventions that had 35mm moving film.

 The first time the public saw these films was at the Brooklyn Institute of Technology. This was also the first time that films were understood as a frames per second calculation. The more frames you could fit into one second the smoother the film would become. Most of the films were very straight forward shots with some sort of action happening within the frame. this was the true beginnings of film making.

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