"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Battleship Potemkin

Battleship Potemkin is a Russina film made in 1925. This is one of the first films with clips cut and placed together to create a visceral response from the audience. The method of editing this film is known as montage. The clips are cut in 3 and 4 second intervals. Many regard this film as one of the most influential on modern film because of its use of montage. Much of the techniques that the director, Eisenstein, used are still being used today.

One of the most famous scenes is called the Odessa Steps. This is a scene depicting Russian soldiers marching and killing civilians as the descend a stair case. The scene has been remade many times.

Here it is (above) being copied in the movie The Untouchables. Much of this film is considered propaganda as Eisenstein was very much in favor of the Bolsheviks revolution.

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