"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Day 1

My name is Michael O'Connor. I hail from the far upper left corner of the country. A proud citizen of Seattle, Washington and the Northwest region of the country. I am a Junior student athlete at the University of Tampa. I am a member of the Mens Lacrosse team here on campus. While I enjoy playing lacrosse in my free time I am also an avid Youtube goer and a frequent poster on Reddit. My GoPro is one of my prized possessions and I often document my adventures then post them on my Youtube channel.

(Taken With my GoPro Lake Tapps, Washington)

 Its hard to say what my feelings of the class are after just one day as we only spent 15 minutes in class total. I did notice a sense of apathy from my peers when we were posed the question on what it is we want to get out of this class. To be honest I had no real answer myself. It was a bit embarrassing for me and I am sure for my classmates. It is interesting to see this dynamic from my generation. We often don't have much direction on what we are doing in our lives. This leads to a lack of attention and more or less a lack of responsibility for our own affairs and actions.
 Through much of high school I pursued the graphic design classes that were offered. For a while I even could see myself in a career as a graphic designer. The idea of creating images from my own imagination and spreading them to thousands of viewers via print form or social media was, and still is, a fascinating prospect. Late in my high school career I lost my passion for graphic design as my athletic pathway took a hold of my career ideals I just could not see myself sitting behind a desk for the rest of my life. I still have the passion and interest in art and its cohesion with technology and that is part of the reason I enrolled in this course. I hope to leave this course with a better understanding of the history of art and technology and how I can contribute to the propagation of this new media form.

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